Order Shipping, Pickup and Delivery
Deliveries - Dutch Valley Transportation
Minimum orders and freight charges are based on the distance from Dutch Valley Foods to your delivery location. You will be given an ordering deadline and delivery schedule when your account is setup.
- Freight charges/minimum order requirements based on distance from Dutch Valley Foods (DVF) warehouse to delivery location. UPS and Common Carrier Deliveries:
- UPS standard and hundredweight delivery services available.
- No refrigerated products will be shipped via UPS.
- No minimum for UPS orders.
- One (1) working day lead time required.
- UPS freight paid by the customer.
- Orders over 500 lbs. will be sent by common carrier.
- Refrigerated carriers required for common carrier orders containing refrigerated products. Additional costs will be incurred.
- Dutch Valley Foods is not responsible for any product that is damaged due to melting or freezing during UPS shipment or common carrier shipment on non-refrigerated trucks.
UPS and Common Carrier Deliveries - Outside the DV Truck delivery Area
Dutch Valley offers UPS standard and hundredweight delivery service daily for your convenience. We ask for a one (1) working day lead time to process these orders. Freight for all items shipped UPS will be paid by the customer. There is no minimum for UPS orders. Because of temperature factors out of our control, we cannot be held responsible for any product that is damaged due to melting or freezing during UPS shipment. Orders over 500 lbs. will be sent by Common Carrier. Freight charges will be determined according to the amount of the order and the distance of delivery.
Pickup Orders
Orders may be picked up at our warehouse between the hours of 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. We ask that you give us a minimum of 4 hours lead time to process pickup orders. If the order is not called in 4 hours prior to pickup, there will be a wait time. There is no minimum for pickup orders.
- Please note facility hours listed in Terms & Conditions for pickup availability.
- No minimum order requirements for pickup orders.
- Orders with less than four (4) hours lead time will result in a longer wait time at the facility.